Welcome to the Ketchikan Little League Baseball and Softball Volunteer Registration Page!
Ketchikan Little League Baseball and Softball is an organization designed to build good citizens. It is a program of leadership, preparing today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. Ketchikan Little League Baseball & Softball relies on a devoted legion of adult volunteers to help ensure that the organization remains structured and runs smoothly. Ketchikan Little League Baseball and Softball is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities.
Anyone can apply to become a volunteer! Whatever talents or skills you have, we can use them.
All parents of children involved in Ketchikan Little League Baseball and Softball are strongly encouraged to volunteer.
*On rare occasions, Little League, through District Administrators and local Board of Directors may deny individuals the privilege of volunteering. When applying to become a volunteer, individuals give Ketchikan Little League Baseball & Softball permission to conduct background checks.
All managers, coaches and umpires are nominated by the league president and must be approved by vote of the Board of Directors. They are the only ones allowed on the playing field with teams during games.
Please register below to volunteer to be a Concession stand volunteer, Team Manager, Assistant Coach or Umpire.
If you want to be a manager or assistant coach, fill out and submit the 2023 Manager and Assistant Coach Application as well.
Click here for the Manager and Assistant Coach Application managerandcoachapplication2023.pdf
Thank you for volunteering your time and making Ketchikan Little League even better for our youth.